Where were you when you first heard the news about Sept. 11th?
I was at home with my parents--came out of the shower to see my mom crying, telling me a plane had crashed into one of the WTC towers. I shrugged it off as some stupid accident. When the second plane hit, I thought maybe it was some weird Bermuda Triangle sort of deal...like a weather or wind pattern messing with how the planes were flying over the area or something, or some visibility issue. When a plane hit the Pentagon, there wasn't any room for denial anymore....
The day was surreal.... I still get chills when I see videos of the towers falling. It was like something out of a nightmare. We were glued to the televisions on campus at WVU (my first "official" semester). My professor still made us come to math class to "talk about it." I didn't want to talk! I wanted to watch the news! It was on every channel--even the Weather Channel and MTV. THAT was weird to see, made it seem all the more serious. They were taking ID's at the dorms for security measures. Rumors were flying. Some professors were keeping a tight rein on who went in and out of their classrooms. It was an odd, quiet panic. I've never experienced a day like that ever in my life. The whole nation seemed fixed on the news and the events unfolding around us.
Where were you?
I was back in Pakistan. We received several distorted versions of the news. The first one claimed that two planes have collided. The next few were even further off. It took us few weeks to fully realize what has happened and even this was after watching outdated news coverage by BBC. In the weeks following the events, there was a great amount of disbelief and shock.