Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Plagiarism test on Thursday.  We'll also be briefly discussing the upcoming Essay #2. 
On Tuesday the 28th, classes will be canceled for conferences.  Directions on those forthcoming.

Monday, September 13, 2010


If any of you need help with essay #1 or have any questions, ask me now because it's due on Thursday!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where Were You on September 11th?

Where were you when you first heard the news about Sept. 11th?
I was at home with my parents--came out of the shower to see my mom crying, telling me a plane had crashed into one of the WTC towers.  I shrugged it off as some stupid accident.  When the second plane hit, I thought maybe it was some weird Bermuda Triangle sort of a weather or wind pattern messing with how the planes were flying over the area or something, or some visibility issue.  When a plane hit the Pentagon, there wasn't any room for denial anymore....
The day was surreal....  I still get chills when I see videos of the towers falling.  It was like something out of a nightmare.  We were glued to the televisions on campus at WVU (my first "official" semester).  My professor still made us come to math class to "talk about it."  I didn't want to talk!  I wanted to watch the news!  It was on every channel--even the Weather Channel and MTV.  THAT was weird to see, made it seem all the more serious.  They were taking ID's at the dorms for security measures.  Rumors were flying.  Some professors were keeping a tight rein on who went in and out of their classrooms.  It was an odd, quiet panic.  I've never experienced a day like that ever in my life.  The whole nation seemed fixed on the news and the events unfolding around us.
Where were you?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Some Great Resources for MLA Citation--PLEASE READ!!

A website to help you all out with in-text citations (i.e. when you use the readings in your papers)--

How you'll want to cite an article within an anthology--i.e., one of the readings in your textbook (see also Hacker ch. 32, item 10)--

If you need help, will make a Work Cited entry for you, although it is only as good as the information YOU put in, so you have to make sure all the info you provide is correct.

We'll go over ALL of this in class on Tuesday, so don't panic....

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Disability and the Prescription for Change

Now that you've read the Riley essay for class, do you feel that the disabled are fairly treated/portrayed by the media?  Do you feel that Riley's suggestions are correct?  What would you suggest that differs from Riley's argument?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Is using a mascot that's the likeness of another culture offensive (i.e. using a Native American tribe)?
Also, do you know what a trade character is?  A trade character is a created character used to represent a product--like the Captain for, well, Captain Crunch, or the Trix Rabbit.  A number of said trade characters, particularly those created in the likeness of racial stereotypes, have also caused offense.
Should we be offended by these cultural caricatures?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Why is it....

In thinking about the changes taking place in Fijian culture, where now being stick skinny and cookie-cutter pretty are the new "thing," what is so appealing to both Fijian culture, as well as to us, about being...

...why do we obsess over this stereotype of pretty/handsome, wealthy, popular party-goers?

Reading Journals

Remember, a reading journal is a paragraph (5-10 sentences) per UNIT READING (in Tuesday's case, Munson and LaPointe) discussing your thoughts/opinions on the ideas/arguments the author presents in the reading.  Make sure you have one per reading (not the Lunsford stuff), and make sure they are typed and doublespaced.

How Does Popular Culture Stereotype You?

As the unit heading asks, how does popular culture stereotype *you*?  Are you a "jock," a "princess," a "dork," or some other classification? 

How and why are you stereotyped?  Share some ways in the 'Comment' section, if you feel so inclined....

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Discussion Questions on the Dillon and Goodman Essays

1)  Do you think that sororities have a right to discriminate based on looks/ability to socialize?
2)  What do you think of when you think of a sorority?  Is your opinion positive or negative?  (Be respectful here...)
3)  In the Goodman article, television/media is blamed for creating a culture of "thinness" in Fiji--once known for revering weight GAIN.  Do you think Western media is to blame?  Or, do you think that the media is being unfairly targeted?  What do you feel might have been the reason for the shift?
Feel free to discuss via using the Comment function at the end of the entry....

Some Links of Interest Regarding the DePauw Sorority Controversy

Wikipedia article on the controversy
Dillon's article--original piece
Update on the current status of the sorority via DePauw's college newspaper

About the Blog....

I'm creating this blog for our class for several reasons...
1)  It's an opportunity to enhance class discussion...this means more brainstorming, more chances to consider essay ideas/theses for papers, more discussion outside of get the idea.
2)  We can post and share resources to help w/ essay ideas, enhancing the readings, and just get a chance to pass around fun stuff (related to class) in general.
3)  You'll get an opportunity to get easy points toward your additional assignment portion of your grade, and I might give you a few extra credit opps. as well.  *hint, hint*

That being said, I have a few rules:

I reserve the right to moderate comments.  Classroom citizenship rules (i.e. respect) still apply on this blog.  You don't have to use Gmail or Blogger to be on here.  Just identify yourself by first name and last initial when you post a comment.  If you want to post an entry yourself, shoot me an email, I'll moderate it, and post it if it's relevant to class.

This is an experiment.  It's up to us to see if it is successful.  I want honest feedback--as long as it's respectful! 
